*Matthew 16:18 – And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.*

*Prayer Points:*
1. Lord Jesus, the Church, Your body needs prayer today more than ever before, and as part of the Church I need to arise and cry to You for the Church so that we will not cease to be relevant in this generation.
2. I join millions of Your children all over the world to pray that You will empower Your Church Universally in order to triumphantly march over the kingdom of darkness and establish righteousness in every nation of the world.
3. You gave us an eternal promise that *the Gate of Hell will not prevail over Your Church*, therefore I can sing confidently that, *“The Church is marching on, The gate of hell shall not prevail. The Church is marching on.”* O! Lord, protect your interest in all your Churches all over the world and flush out every corruption that has entered into her in Jesus’ name. Let every host of darkness that is assigned against the body of Christ for calamity, be scattered and rendered useless.
4. Holy Trinity, please let unity, love, righteousness, truth, and holiness prevail and reign in the body of Christ that people may know that we are Your disciples indeed *(John 13:35)* so that the result will be a global harvest of souls and true revival in the body of Christ so as to be able to reach the unreached in Jesus’ name.
5. O Lord, send more faithful laborers into the vineyard and raise genuine ministers for Your Kingdom’s work; empower all the true ministers of the Gospel and keep them from compromise and perils of the End Time in Jesus’ name. Let the Holy Spirit take over every activity of the Church on earth as the day of Pentecost in Jesus’ name.
*Prophetic Declaration:*
I’m a soldier in the Army of the Lord, fighting a good fight of faith. Jesus never fails; I will not fail. In all the trials and tribulations of this world I’m more than a conqueror through Him that loves me and died for me.
Credit. Ven. Dare Otoki