Diocese Of Lafia Dedicates Church

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The Anglican Diocese of Lafia Nasarawa State led by His Lordship the Rt Rev Godwin Adeyi Robinson dedicated the Holy Trinity Anglican Church Old Custom Qtrs Mararaba.

In his sermon titled “Whose temple are you” the eloquent bishop told the congregation that God wanted us to be a temple of Holy Spirit first of all. He traced the origin of temple to the days of Israelites in the wilderness worshipping God in a tent. Later on David wanted to build a temple, but God stopped him and prefers his son Solomon.

Going further the bishop also said, Paul in his Epistle to the Corinthian Church said the foundations of the temple (church) was made by Christ, we are to build on it. The Bishop charged the congregation to abide by the word of God as the source building on the solid rock.

The Bishop wished the members of the church to have their lives dedicated to God just as the new Church is being dedicated.

Robinson also thanked the bishop of Diocese of Kubwa, Rt Rev  Dr. Duke Akamisoko for releasing the church to the Lafia Diocese in 2019 as contained on the Deed of Dedication. He also thanked those who donated towards the church building especially the donor of the initial take off fund.

The event was climaxed with the cutting of dedication Cake.

In his vote of thanks, the vicar of the church, Rev Godwin Ifejika gave all thanks to God for the the grace of  starting, completing and Dedication of the Church. He appreciated the Bishop, Rt Rev Godwin Adeyi Robinson of Lafia, his wife Mrs Afiniki Robinson, and the supervising priest of Mararaba Archdeaconry, Rev Canon Stephen Okwuchukwu for their support. He also thanked those ministers who served in the church before him

The event was graced by some notable Diocesan functionaries, among whom are Mama Bishop, Mrs Afiniki Robinson,  The Synod Central Planning committee chairman, Mr Azubuike Offor, Diocesan Men’s Fellowship President, Engr Chris Ukaegbu, the Head of Diocesan Media, Rev. Isaac Onwusongaonye, Archdeacons, Canons, other priests, evangelists and lay pastoral assistants. It is worthy to note that the  building of the Church lasted for one year and six months.

The service ended in praise and to the glory of God.

By Isaac Onwusongaonye

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