Unresolved issues tend to form a vicious circle in terms of domestic violence. This was the assertion made on the Now Streaming show on ACNN. The topic was “Domestic Violence in Marriages”. Mr. Samuel Adebowale, a mental health professional who was a guest spoke about how a child exposed to abuse in the home, grows to think or believe that it is the right way of life.
He identified that there are different types of Abuse out of which emotional abuse is the worse as there’s little or no remedy for it. Other forms of abuse according to him include verbal abuse, substance abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, abuse in the workspace, and a lot more.
He mentioned the fact that sometimes culture plays a role in enhancing some of these abuses like in cultures where the ego of men is emphasized. He listed three things that usually break marriages to be, Lack of Communication, the lack of money and the lack of sexual intimacy. He emphasized the need for such issues to be discussed during marriage counseling, therapy will be sought and a stop will be put to such negative repetitions.
Another guest on the show Barrister Anyanwu Amarachi Vera highlighted other types of abuse, which is intellectual abuse where a partner stops the other from working or having a job, also cultural abuse, discriminatory abuse where a partner is made to feel less because of a disability. She mentioned the fact that such cases of abuse are becoming prevalent because more persons are accepting and adapting to the situation as against finding a lasting solution. She advised persons who are victims to speak with their lawyers and seek a way out in other to stay alive.
The guests advised that when situations get really bad, one should save themselves and their children, without allowing religion or any other sentiments to make them stay back and eventually lose their lives.