CON Bible Study Outline 2025 – Study Week 1(Concept of Child – 1)

3 Min Read

The Reign of God: Children and the Kingdom of God (Sunday After Christmas)

Date: January 5, 2025
Sub Theme: Concept of Child – 1
Topic: The Universal Perspectives of a Child
Text: Genesis 16:11; Genesis 21:8; 1 Samuel 1:20-27


  1. To explain the universal concept of a child.
  2. To discuss the importance of accepting the gospel like a child.
  3. To discuss the positive attributes of a child that Christians need to emulate.


In biological science, a child is defined as a person between birth and puberty. In legal terms, the term “child” refers to anyone below the age of majority, which is 18 years in most nations—a definition upheld by UNICEF. Biblically, the terms “child” and “children” are mentioned over 1,500 times in the Bible (KJV) and always refer to a baby in the womb or a person between the weaning age and puberty. In our text, Jesus shows His displeasure at His disciples for rebuking the children who came to Him.

He affirms that His kingdom belongs to them and to those who receive the gospel like a little child. The child has always held a special place in literary imagination, representing qualities such as innocence, humility, simplicity, purity, receptivity, freshness, emptiness, vulnerability, freedom, and potentiality. This study should inspire us to display the positive attributes of a child in our daily lives.

Study Guide

  1. From the study today, analyze the universal and biblical perspectives of a child.
    • Genesis 16:11; Genesis 21:8
  2. According to our text and other biblical passages, what are the basic rights of a child?
    • 1 Samuel 1:22-24; Proverbs 22:6
  3. With reference to Mark 10:15, explain what it means to accept the gospel like a child.
  4. Discuss some of the ways Christians can emulate the positive attributes of a child to advance the kingdom of God.
    • Matthew 18:1-5


The child signifies the goal of human development and represents that stage of life in which the old person, transformed, acquires a new simplicity. Just as children grow, mature, and develop a sense of devotion to their parents, Christians are expected to grow into maturity in their walk with God and remain devoted to Him.

Food for Thought

You must become as little children in your walk with God.

Memory Verse

Mark 10:15 – “Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.”

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