TEXT: Colossians 1:18-end(NKJV)
- And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.
Today marks Quinquagesima Sunday, which that Lent we are approx.50days to Easter and that Lent officially begin this week. According to the church calendar, today begin a 3-day period of Shrovetide which ends on Shrove Tuesday, it is time when people consume their store foods in preparation for Lent.
Also today, some people confess their sins in order to obtain forgiveness in preparation for Lent. In our text today, St. Paul lays emphasis on the supremacy of Christ. Christians have no message to the world without Christ. God is pleasedto have ALL his fullness-his divine perfection, powers and attributes – to dwell in Christ, the head of the Church (vv. 18-19).
This is why he says that God chose to reveal to the gentiles the mystery of his glorious riches; Christ in us, the hope of glory. This truth became Paul’s motivation for proclaiming Christ-teaching everyone, with all wisdom, to present everyone perfect in Christ (vv. 26-29).
Today’s study teaches us that the focus of all our church programmes should be Christ. Also, we should engage all platforms for the sharing of the good news about Christ. Furthermore, the Church should be intentional about sound teaching of God’s word and also invest seriously in evangelism (vv. 28-29).
As we prepare for another Lenten season, please note that the highest form of spirituality that you can have is to have a deep, flourishing and an unbroken relationship with God. Ensure you create a quality time to know more about Christ through a Spirit inspired meditation on God’s word
Pray that our churches will return to the original pattern of preaching Christ.
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