Dear clergy brothers,

I write you on the outcome of Nigerian presidential election held Saturday February 25, 2023. I know some of us are very passionate about the election and wholeheartedly believe one candidate or another. Several of our members have similar or opposing views. We must graciously respect everyone’s position. We are not politician clergy and must exercise self control required of believers in Christ. Clergy of this Diocese should not be carried away and become overly emotional to the point of name calling.

Let us represent Christ in all things. Irrespective who wins or looses; they are all Nigerians and electoral tribunal is available for every redress.

Let me remind you, of your calling as clergy and shepherd of the people of God irrespective of their political affiliations.

You do not have to divide your congregation, and hate/insult/taunt your brothers because of your political views and careless words. You also need to exercise great restraints on what you post on social media. Words spoken or written may be difficult to retract. As always they may become points of reference tomorrow. We are leaders of the church and the people let us continue to love, support and pray for our dear country Nigeria and those currently residing in Nigeria. Our prayer also need to extend to other countries in Africa and our world.

Let us desist from making inflammatory statements and ensure our words are seasoned with salt.

May the Lord guide the nation Nigeria at this time.

Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden; Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

+Olukayode ADOTT 

Diocesan Bishop,

Anglican Diocese of the Trinity

March 01, 2023


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