1. Lenten greetings brothers and sisters.
    As Christians God has given us the grace to fully participate in politics so long as we do not allow it to compromise our Christian faith and testimony.

The recent happenings in our political system and election processes have given us reasons to have different perspectives and positions on the recent elections, especially that of the President.

Whatever our joys or disappointment may be as Christians we must make every effort to maintain our position as the light of the world and the salt of the earth by being gracious in our actions and speech. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we must desist from making utterances that vilify and demonize individuals and groups of persons because of their position on issues of politics.

We prayed and are still praying for the will of God in our nation; therefore, let us behave in a manner that shows we believe in prayers and that God is faithful and will answer us.

But I invite and encourage us to continue to pray for those who are in active participation in the politics of Nigeria that they will seek to please God, while we further pray that God who cannot be toppled in His government continues to reign supreme over and above everyone and everything else.

Brothers and sisters, we are not alone. God is with us.
It’s Lent; LORD have mercy upon us. Amen
The LORD be with you.

Ven. Gershinen Paul Dajur PhD is the General Secretary of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion.


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