The Anglican Bishop of Niger West, Rt. Revd. Johnson Ekwe, PhD, called on Christ’s faithful to buckle up their sandals because the world was going through special fulfilments of end time prophesies. The Bishop who began his message with special songs of worship, thanked God for preserving his people at this perilous time when the world was in turmoil.
According to Bishop Ekwe, God by allowing the world to pass through what it was undergoing today, has come to re-establish to everyone that He is the one in charge of the world. “The world does not belong to America or any of the superpowers who have been flexing their muscles over the years but to God and that is why He has kept us alive today.”
Scripturally, the Bishop explained that there were signs that the end time fulfilment “is upon us.” He maintained that the best way to prepare for this perilous period, especially for the ministers of the Gospel was to be faithful to the injunctions of our Divine Saviour who warned us 2000 years ago about these events that were to come upon the world. Pushing further, his Lordship warned against the inordinate quest for money explaining that the enemy would like to use love of money to lead many astray in these difficult days. For him, “It is no more business as usual, the prophecy of Mathew 24 is coming to fulfilment.”
However, in spite of the tribulations of this period, Bishop Ekwe, standing on the prophecy of the Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 43: 1-7) urged the people not to be afraid because “the God who knows them by their names and who has asked them to fear not is in charge of the world.” Using many Scriptural passages, particularly where Jesus calmed the stormy sea, his Lordship led the people to lift up their hands and raise their voices to God in prayer. Families of those in the congregation, Anambra State, Nigeria and the entire world were especially dedicated to God’s protection. At the end of the day, one thing is certain, those who attended Mount Zion this month had enough time to pray and pour out their hearts to God.
Buckle Up Your Sandals, The World Is Going Through Special Fulfilments of End Time Prophesies – Bishop Ekwe

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