Date: Mar 6, 2022

Sub-Theme: Christian’s Knowledge of God

Topic: God: The End of All Things – Omega

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Text: Isaiah 46: 3-13


i. to explain the concept of Biblical Omega to Christians, and
ii. to understand God as the End of all things.


Literarily, Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, symbolizing the extreme or final part. Thus, when the Lord declares that He is the Omega, it means when all other things shall seize to exist, God continues to exist as God. In Isaiah 46:10, it is shown that He makes known the end from the beginning, from ancient times; what is still to come. Therefore, His purposes stand firm. They cannot be frustrated. He has power enough to secure the execution of his designs, and he will exert that power in order that all his plans may be accomplished. Our study today sheds more light on this assertion that our God is already at the end of whatever we are or passing through, especially as His children. How can we then enjoy the best tomorrow as Christians?

Study Guide

1. Explain Omega in the literary and Biblical concept of Isaiah 46:10.
2. Discuss the claim of God as “Omega” in Rev. 1:8 in relation to Isa. 46: 10; Rev. 1:8; 22:12 &13.
3. From the scriptures and happenings around us, discuss events/ occurrences that prove that God is indeed the Omega. Gen 45:6-8; Job 42:12; Matt 28:19-20.
4. From today’s study and in the context of Job 19:25-27 and John 3:16-17 (Read them) what is the eternal hope of all Christians?


There is a common quote that “what God cannot do does not exist.” Simply put, every matter ends with God because He is actually the End Himself. As we commence the Lenten season, let us approach Him with a sober heart, irrespective of our challenges. We will find the best end in Him.

Food for Thought

Every matter ends with Him Who is The End.

Memory Verse

Isaiah 46:9-10 “Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me; declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, my counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.”


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