The Synagogue Church of all Nations on Tuesday countered the BBC documentary on the late Temitope Babatunde Joshua, known as TB Joshua, Founder of SCOAN. SCOAN described the documentary as unfounded, noting that the characters interviewed in the report were unknown to the church. The church in a statement signed by its Public Affairs Director, Mr Dare Adejumo, said the statement was aimed at disabusing public minds from the report. The BBC on Monday released a highly controversial and damning documentary on the late TB Joshua, accusing him of various crimes, including rape against some members. SCOAN said, “BBC World…

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The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Interior, has launched the online passport application portal to allow Nigerians to apply for their passport seamlessly. The Minister of Interior, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo had announced in December that the FG was working to ensure a fully automated system of passport application in the country. At the time, the minister said the automated application system was “99 per cent done,” adding that the process would include uploading passport photos and supporting documents. He noted that Nigerian applicants who want 32-page passports with five-year validity would pay N35,000, while those who want 64-page passports with…

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South Africa is the only team to exit the AFCON with no win, no draw and no goal 2006. Cameroon has recorded the most clean sheets in a single tournament (6 in 2002 edition) Nigeria has placed on the podium a record fifteen times at the tournament (three gold medals, four silver medals and eight bronze medals). Ghana (in 1963) and South Africa (in 1996) are the only teams to have hosted and won the tournament in their debut appearance. Egypt has played the most matches in the tournament finals, with 107 Egypt (in 1957), Ghana🇬🇭 (in 1963) and South…

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The Anglican Bishop of Aguata Diocese, Right Reverend Samuel Ezeofor has regretted that the Nigeria’s constitutional democracy has been greatly undermined, and tasked the Judiciary to live up to its reputation as the last hope of the common man. Bishop Ezeofor was speaking while presenting his Charge to delegate attending the Third Session of the Sixth Synod of the Diocese of Aguata, holden at Holy Trinity Church Igboukwu. Bishop Ezeofor said that it is imperative that the decision of the presiding judges be guided by the morality of the rule of law during the presidential election tribunal to save…

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✝️📗DAILY FOUNTAIN DEVOTIONA Date: 2023-May-28 (Pentecost/Whit Sunday) 🎯TOPIC: THE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 📺 WATCH THE DEVOTION VIA THE LINK BELOW 👇 ✝️ TEXT: Acts 2:1-21(NKJV) 2:1. When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2:2. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 2:3. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and [one] sat upon each of them. 2:4. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to…

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✝️📗DAILY FOUNTAIN DEVOTIONA Date: 2023-May-27 🎯TOPIC: THE POWER OF OVERWHELMING SACRIFICE 📺 WATCH THE DEVOTION VIA THE LINK BELOW 👇 ✝️ TEXT: 1 Kings 8: 54-9: 9(NKJV) 8:54  And so it was, when Solomon had finished praying all this prayer and supplication to the LORD, that he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven. 8:55  Then he stood and blessed all the assembly of Israel with a loud voice, saying: 8:56  “Blessed [be] the LORD, who has given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He…

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The Revd. William Taylor, rector of St Helens Bishopsgate, in a recent interview described the rejection of the Archbishop of Canterbury as head of the Anglican Communion by the GAFCON Kigali Statement as “the end of an era”. This he said, because Canterbury had walked away, and that this would have enormous implications not just for the Anglican Communion, but for the Commonwealth as well which was founded on the basis of the United Kingdom giving spiritual leadership to the countries it had once colonized. Those who watched the coronation service of King Charles III on May 6th would have seen…

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The Vice Chancellor of Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Prof. Timothy Adebayo, on Friday, said that the university will not tolerate any form of immoral conduct among students or bend the rule for anyone found guilty of immoral practices. In a speech he delivered at the matriculation ceremony for new students of the university, Adebayo said he acknowledged the sacrifices of parents who have decided to expose their children to global academic climates by enlisting them at the school. At the event were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Muyiwa Popoola, the Registrar, Dr Jadesola Babatola, deans of faculties and principal officers…

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Clear Men’s football record in Africa, beat Morocco 2-1. …Harvest of tears in Moroccan team. AWARD SCORE BOARD  Golden boot – Amara Diouf (5goals) –Senegal.  Golden Gloves (best Keeper) – Serigne Diouf of Senegal.  Best Player – Souleymane Alio – Burkina Faso.  Fair Play Trophy – Morocco.  Cover Photo is from Folu Olamiti. The Junior Taranga Lions of Senegal expectedly lifted the CAF U17 title for the first time and enforcing a West African domination of the title wins as it came to the region for the 13th time though the Junior Atlas Lions fought…

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✝️📗DAILY FOUNTAIN DEVOTIONAL Date: 2023-May-07 🎯TOPIC: THE HOLY SPIRIT 📺 WATCH THE DEVOTION VIA THE LINK BELOW 👇 ✝️ TEXT: : John 16: 5-22(NKJV) 16:5.  ” But now I go away to Him who sent Me, and none of you asks Me, ‘Where are You going?’ 16:6.  “But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. 16:7.  “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to…

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